
Showing posts from August, 2018
WE ARE WALKING ON ....AIR Amanda Julia Walck I'm sure we've all heard the song ' I'm walking on sunshine... waoooo' Well the bible says we literally walk on air!!! I believe we have missed so much in the bible, and in our relationship with the Father. We have been scared off everything, 'in case its the Devil.' We have more faith in what he can do than in what our Jesus can do! He can't create, he can only imitate! So have we been dumbed down to believe we are less than what we were really created to be?? Adam was created the most marvellous being! Not how we look today. Many have heard my teaching on Adam (you can find it on our  in free download of kingdom E Book). Can you imagine what Adam looked like and what he could do!  I look and think, ' wow compared to the mystic saints of old and some of the old revivalists we are living a very 'low supernatural life!' We think the ultim